What is Freemasonry?

Freemasonry is one of the oldest and most influential fraternal organizations in the world, uniting individuals across continents in shared values and service.

While the first grand lodge was created in 1717, the first written record of a masonic ceremony in England dates back to 1646, and speculation about groups of men meeting in lodges points to the Craft existing many centuries before that.

This YouTube video provides a nice introduction into the topic: Discover Freemasonry.

Who can become a Freemason?

Men believing in a Supreme Being, with good character, usually aged 21 or older, are eligible. We welcome men from all walks of life, religions, and backgrounds, as long as they share our values and are willing to commit to our principles.

There are also two female-only Grand Lodges in the UK: The Order of Women Freemasons and The Honourable Fraternity of Ancient Freemasons. Details here.

What are the benefits of becoming a Freemason?

Joining a lodge is similar to joining a close social circle that you’ll spend time with, regularly, for the rest of your life.

As a Freemason, you will join a global network of like-minded individuals who share your commitment to personal growth, morality, and charity. Freemasonry can also provide a sense of belonging, camaraderie, and support in your personal and professional life.

How much time does one need to be a good Freemason?

Balancing family, work, and Masonic commitments is essential. It’s fundamental to note that family and job priorities supersede Masonic obligations.

  • Freemasons in the UK typically have 4 formal meetings every year, taking about half a day. The Aarheus lodge meets on Saturday afternoons.
  • We also meet several times before each meeting, for a rehearsal session, in the evening, taking about 1hr.
  • On top of this, to fully benefit from being a member, you may want to invest some time in personal study, reading and research

Do Freemasons have secrets?

While there are certain aspects of Freemasonry that are kept private, such as our rituals and ceremonies, the organization itself is not a secret society. Our lodges often hold public events, and we are proud of our contributions to society.
The so-called “secrets” of Freemasonry are intended to foster a sense of trust and bonding among members, and they serve to enhance the personal growth and transformative experience that the organization offers.

Is there an initiation fee or ongoing dues for members?

Yes. There is an initiation fee, and an ongoing annual fees (also called dues). These vary by lodge, and can change slightly every year.
On top, every freemason donates what he is able to, for charitable purposes.

Is there a dress code for masonic meetings?

Yes. While this may vary by lodge, typically we dress in dark suits or tuxedos, and while inside the lodge, wear appropriate regalia.

How do I join?

Head to the “How do I join” page for details!